Monday, November 30, 2009

Final Session: Self Evaluation of my academic year (2009)

The self evaluations always have a grade of difficulty, because we must be critic and maybe try to be the most objective possible, which is really difficult! But I like the challenges and only I will try to do the best… If we believe what do an academic year good, many of ours could think that approve all your subjects. I think the same, but also there are another things that do of your year good, for example if you make a balance and compare with the others years of the career and if this is better, your evaluation will be positive or if you did always that you proposed you have to be satisfied too.

Personally the evaluation of my academic year is positive, in both terms I approve my entire subjects and obviously in some of them with major difficulty. For example in the first term Pathology was more difficult than others, but really I liked this area and I studied with interest. On the other hand, in the second term Microbiology was difficult; not for the matter, but rather the amount of classes was really bigger and I must confess that give me a little bit of fear! Also I had another subjects easier for me or the electives that give you new perspectives and can open your mind to any other realities.

Part of the balance is comparing this year at the University with the others, and fortunately I believe that this year has been the best in this three years studying Veterinary. Although is a little confused have subjects of second and third year at same time, not for the themes, but rather for the risk of have evaluations the same day, that is really complicated! However is a good idea try to advance with the subjects and the rest only depends on you.

But in a self evaluation, I cannot forget the things to improve and the main points, could be try to organized in a best form my time to can study with all the time that I needed and also give me more free time to practice any sports, which would be best for my healthy.

In summary, this year really was good and I can realized the notorious “training” that you can acquire with the experience that give you the another years at the University and obviously if I continuous working in one of my major goal, be a good professional, I will complete one the proposal most important of my life. Also, like a moral I can say: the challenge always is complete the goals that you proposed and you must to give the 100% of you, because is demonstrated that with attitude, effort and perseverance everything is possible, which is applicable for any area of the life!


The challenges are present in any career, they allow us grow in the learning of our discipline. If we want to be good professionals is really important take new dares and can passed it, always thinking in the welfare of our animals… our patients.

About and important challenge, the Technology; this must be at our service, we have to be capacitated to used the advances, always care for the patients and its welfare. If we think about the old profession of Veterinary Medicine -many years ago- the elements of technology was really poor, where the life of patients was clearly in more dangerous than this days. For example, we have to know how to use the new digital or electric devices (like Magnetic Resonance or Devices of Digital Radiography) and only this is possible with an appropriate capacitation.

If we think about Social Matters; clearly the work of a Veterinary involve an important social role, we have the mission of help to be the coexistence of animals with the people more pleasant, we must understand with pet´s owner and we able to have a fluid and honest interaction with them, never forgotten the most important: the welfare of our patient.

And obviously we cannot let of mention, the Education challenges; like Veterinarian we have a debt with the society, we have to be active part diffuse the importance of take care and respect our domestic and wild animals, we have to teach the necessity of a responsible holding of pets or about the sterilization. A veterinarian, like an authorized voice, ought to promote all the non human being life, including the nature, teach to preserve our flora and fauna; always being a model to follow.

Therefore, this topics are only some challenges that we have to approach in our life like Veterinary, but only will be possible if we always are disposed to receive and look for constantly vocational training, if we are open to receive opinions of colleagues with more experience and also if we are agree to help the people teaching the love and respect for our dear animals.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


If I have to talk about facilities in my faculty, the first impression would be that the infrastructure is more antique or classical than modern and evidently since its foundation, 71 years ago, the changes have not been so evident. But If we contemplate the greatness of our outdoors spaces, is possible enjoy the time there.

First I am going to talk about the points to improve; I think would be great have more welcoming areas to stay: for example to study comfortable in winter, have a casino more pleasant and with better attention, remodel the most antique places likes some bathrooms or dispose of an internet faster… and about an important part of the faculty: “Mundo Granja” maybe a place like this -with a lot of animals in a natural space- only we can find in our university, but improve its infrastructure or corrals would be great for the comfort of our animals, that help us to will be good professionals.

But not only I am going to say the bad points, also this last time many things have improvement , like the air conditioning in the rooms (where we can be warm in winter or fresh in summer), the new computers in library and in the computer rooms, the new equestrian branch or the enhanced clinic “El Roble”.

For these reasons and many others, in my humble opinion, clearly is possible improve the faculty and be a better place, because almost is our “second house” for the time that we spend there.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Summary from a career-related article from the Guardian


Lord Stern of Brentford, a former chief economist at the World Bank and now IG Patel Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics and adviser to the government on the economics of climate change, recommend be vegetarian to help reduce global carbon emissions. The statistics are clear and talk about ruminant animals (cattle and sheep), are responsible for up to a quarter of methane emissions worldwide.

He said: "Meat is a wasteful use of water and creates a lot of greenhouse gases. It puts enormous pressure on the world's resources. A vegetarian diet is better".

Also at the climate change conference in Copenhagen (2006) Stern warned that countries needed to spend 1% of their GDP to stop greenhouse gases rising to dangerous levels.

Besides The Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), established to set and enforce environmental standards for palm oil production, nowadays is divided over the need to control carbon emissions and could break up. The trouble was created after palm plantation companies in Indonesia and Malaysia blocked efforts to curb their greenhouse gas emissions; about that Marcus Silvius, member of RSPO's working group on greenhouse gases, said: "If this issue is not resolved and greenhouse gas emissions are not included in the standard, then I don't see how the RSPO can continue to act as a certifying body”.

Therefore, is important take conscience about that present problem, not only the government or big-scale industry have responsibilities, everybody can do something and that includes what we are eating.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My favorite animal!

The election is very easy for me, because always I have loved and admire the horse. I can remember when I was a little child and I mounted a horse, my first impression was only scared, but then I really enjoy it, and I didn´t want to down!!.

This noble animal is an ungulate mammal, which has been with the man since the beginning of the humanity.

Is a creature with a lot of force but at the same time with an elegant figure. There are a lot of race and each one exhibit a diverse array of coat colors, distinctive markings and different attributes, for example the muscles.

The horse not only have been used in the assistance of man, like transport , recreation or the accompaniment of the police´s work; also, especially in the Chilean field is a fundamental component, the horse really support the farmer´s work.

But at the present this beautiful animal, is used for nicer purposes, like The Hippotherapy, an alternative discipline bases in the utilization of multidimensional movement of horses, for the treatment of different physical or mental diseases; the positive results are supported by numerous and reliable scientific studies. I believe that would be a good decision give it the real importance, invert more resources and improve this discipline, always thinking in the patient´s welfare.

For this reason and more I chose the horse and like is not only an animal to admire, we never had to forget the respect about them, reproving any abuse or action that attempt its welfare.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I think Santiago has a lot of places to visit, if possible recommended places so different since the classic and representative until a place to go shopping or dancing…

1. Mercado Central: is a representative place in Santiago, where you can know about our typical foods, is impossible leave this city without probe Mariscal, a delicious and recover plate or you can ask for Humitas or any food… and also you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables.

2. Cerro San Cristóbal: is a hill ubicated in the center of the city, where you can go up and see great part of Santiago, obviously that when is without pollution is easier!! There you can visit The Metropolitan Zoo or take Teleférico to can go up the hill… or you can only go to run and enjoy the nature!

3. Barrio Bellavista: is a neighborhood with a beautiful architecture, where you can buy handmade products, like souvenirs in Lapislázuli (a precious gem)or clothes and if you are starving you can eat in any restaurant… it will be delicious!... and at night you can go to visit pubs or disco and know the nocturnal life in Santiago!!

4. Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino: if you want to learn more about our ancient Latin America you can visit this place, where is possible find a complete art collection originate of our native people.

5. Palacio de La Moneda: you can´t leave Santiago without visit our White House, you should take a picture with you and the Palace behind… is a typical touristic picture!!

Therefore you can enjoy a great time in Santiago… this is only a little model about is possible do!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


September is a very special date for every Chilean. Even each person or family celebrate our holydays in a different form… I think that the most important sense is share with your family, your near or distant relatives and is always better if this is around a delicious table!!

In 18th we show much prouder about our customs, our food and always we try to dance Cueca, although this means seem ridiculous. Doesn´t matter in September!

Be Chilean is not only a nationality; is a form of life, a group of customes that characterize each one of us. Is also a type of language that allow you identify a Chilean in any part of the world.

We should be proud of live in a freedom country without great problems, for example terrorism or wars, with a established democracy and too is great be a country solidary, that is faithfully demonstrated each year in Teletón, a pattern to follow for others countries.
But also we have things to feel ashamed, meanly our huge resource gap between families of different social class and the great problem of delinquency. And isn´t good the progressive missing of our language or the lack of proud about our native people.

In brief, everybody have to look after our customs, our essence. And is important build a country more equal, where we and the future can live calmly.