Monday, November 30, 2009


The challenges are present in any career, they allow us grow in the learning of our discipline. If we want to be good professionals is really important take new dares and can passed it, always thinking in the welfare of our animals… our patients.

About and important challenge, the Technology; this must be at our service, we have to be capacitated to used the advances, always care for the patients and its welfare. If we think about the old profession of Veterinary Medicine -many years ago- the elements of technology was really poor, where the life of patients was clearly in more dangerous than this days. For example, we have to know how to use the new digital or electric devices (like Magnetic Resonance or Devices of Digital Radiography) and only this is possible with an appropriate capacitation.

If we think about Social Matters; clearly the work of a Veterinary involve an important social role, we have the mission of help to be the coexistence of animals with the people more pleasant, we must understand with pet´s owner and we able to have a fluid and honest interaction with them, never forgotten the most important: the welfare of our patient.

And obviously we cannot let of mention, the Education challenges; like Veterinarian we have a debt with the society, we have to be active part diffuse the importance of take care and respect our domestic and wild animals, we have to teach the necessity of a responsible holding of pets or about the sterilization. A veterinarian, like an authorized voice, ought to promote all the non human being life, including the nature, teach to preserve our flora and fauna; always being a model to follow.

Therefore, this topics are only some challenges that we have to approach in our life like Veterinary, but only will be possible if we always are disposed to receive and look for constantly vocational training, if we are open to receive opinions of colleagues with more experience and also if we are agree to help the people teaching the love and respect for our dear animals.

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