Sunday, September 27, 2009


September is a very special date for every Chilean. Even each person or family celebrate our holydays in a different form… I think that the most important sense is share with your family, your near or distant relatives and is always better if this is around a delicious table!!

In 18th we show much prouder about our customs, our food and always we try to dance Cueca, although this means seem ridiculous. Doesn´t matter in September!

Be Chilean is not only a nationality; is a form of life, a group of customes that characterize each one of us. Is also a type of language that allow you identify a Chilean in any part of the world.

We should be proud of live in a freedom country without great problems, for example terrorism or wars, with a established democracy and too is great be a country solidary, that is faithfully demonstrated each year in Teletón, a pattern to follow for others countries.
But also we have things to feel ashamed, meanly our huge resource gap between families of different social class and the great problem of delinquency. And isn´t good the progressive missing of our language or the lack of proud about our native people.

In brief, everybody have to look after our customs, our essence. And is important build a country more equal, where we and the future can live calmly.


  1. September is a very special date for every Chilean. Even each person or family celebrate our holydays in a different form… I think that the most important sense is WF share with your family, your near or distant relatives and is always better if this is around a delicious table!!

    In 18th we show much WF prouder about our customs, our food and always we try to dance Cueca, although this means seem ridiculous. Doesn´t matter in September!

    WF Be Chilean is not only a nationality; is a form of life, a group of customes that characterize each one of us. ^ Is also a type of language that SVA allow you identify a Chilean in any part of the world.

    We should be proud of live in a freedom country without great problems, for example terrorism or wars, with a established democracy and too is great be a country solidary, that is faithfully demonstrated each year in Teletón, a pattern to follow for others countries.
    But also we have things to feel ashamed, meanly our huge resource gap between families of different social class and the great problem of delinquency. And isn´t good the progressive missing of our language or the lack of proud about our native people.

    WW In brief, everybody have to look after our customs, our essence. And ^ is important build a country more equal, where we and the future can live calmly.

    well done! I think though that in this writing you should develop more cohesively your writing. I mean, if you establish an idea, you need to develop it and continue with the other idea. ok?

    p.s. you got a 5.4

  2. Correction:

    September is a very special date for every Chilean. Even each person or family celebrate our holydays in a different form… I think that the most important sense is sharing with your family, your near or distant relatives and is always better if this is around a delicious table!!

    In 18th we show much proud about our customs, our food and always we try to dance Cueca, although this means seem ridiculous. Doesn´t matter in September!

    Being Chilean is not only a nationality; is a form of life, a group of customes that characterize each one of us. Also is a type of language that allows you identify a Chilean in any part of the world.

    We should be proud of live in a freedom country without great problems, for example terrorism or wars, with a established democracy and too is great be a country solidary, that is faithfully demonstrated each year in Teletón, a pattern to follow for others countries.
    But also we have things to feel ashamed, meanly our huge resource gap between families of different social class and the great problem of delinquency. And isn´t good the progressive missing of our language or the lack of proud about our native people.

    In conclusion, everybody have to look after our customs, our essence. And it is important build a country more equal, where we and the future can live calmly.
