Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The new public transport has bad and good aspects. For me the most important disadvantage is the frequency of buses, especially in some periphery places, that was worse in the begging of the Transantiago, you could see everybody claimed and furious. Another problem is the lack of really useful routes, sometimes you can see empty buses and the routes more used and needed go with a lot of passengers.

However, this new system has very good things, like the payment´s system: tarjeta Bip, the integrate rate -that allow a combination of buses and subway, in order to be shorter your route-, the established stop of buses, the more friendly relationship between the drivers and the students, furthermore the important decrease of the levels of acoustic and environmental pollution.

Too there are many points that can be improved, for example: should implement every stop of buses with roof, this is important especially when is raining or avoid the considerable pay´s evasion, that report so much loss. But also the users, maybe the minority, have to learn to respect and care our public transport, since pay the rate until keep the buses clean.

I really think everything is improvable, only is necessary the correct and good decisions of authorities and obviously the support of users!!


  1. Hi!
    I also put some of the things you say in your post like that the payment now is better or that the frequency of buses is bad, so i´m agree with the things you said in your post.


  2. The new public transport has bad and good aspects. For me the most important disadvantage is the frequency of buses, especially in some periphery places, that was worse in the begging of the Transantiago, you could see everybody claimed and furious. Another problem is the lack of really useful routes, sometimes you can see empty buses and the routes more used and needed go with a lot of passengers.

    However, this new system has very good things, like the payment´s system: tarjeta Bip, the integrate rate -that SVA allow a combination of buses and subway, in order to be shorter your route-, the established stop of buses, the more friendly relationship between the drivers and the students, furthermore the important decrease of the levels of acoustic and environmental pollution.

    Too there are many points that can be improved, for example: should implement every stop of buses with roof, this is important especially when is raining or avoid the considerable WF pay´s evasion, that report so much loss. But also the users, maybe the minority, have to learn to respect and care our public transport, since pay the rate until keep the buses clean.

    I really think everything is improvable, only is necessary the correct and good decisions of authorities and obviously the support of users!!

    I agree with your ideas. Well presentation of them
    well done!
    p.s. you got a 6

  3. Correction:

    The new public transport has bad and good aspects. For me the most important disadvantage is the frequency of buses, especially in some periphery places, that was worse in the begging of the Transantiago, you could see everybody claimed and furious. Another problem is the lack of really useful routes, sometimes you can see empty buses and the routes more used and needed go with a lot of passengers.

    However, this new system has very good things, like the payment´s system: tarjeta Bip, the integrate rate –that allows a combination of buses and subway, in order to be shorter your route-, the established stop of buses, the more friendly relationship between the drivers and the students, furthermore the important decrease of the levels of acoustic and environmental pollution.

    Too there are many points that can be improved, for example: should implement every stop of buses with roof, this is important especially when is raining or avoid the considerable payment evasions, that report so much loss. But also the users, maybe the minority, have to learn to respect and care our public transport, since pay the rate until keep the buses clean.

    I really think everything is improvable, only is necessary the correct and good decisions of authorities and obviously the support of users!!
