Sunday, September 27, 2009


September is a very special date for every Chilean. Even each person or family celebrate our holydays in a different form… I think that the most important sense is share with your family, your near or distant relatives and is always better if this is around a delicious table!!

In 18th we show much prouder about our customs, our food and always we try to dance Cueca, although this means seem ridiculous. Doesn´t matter in September!

Be Chilean is not only a nationality; is a form of life, a group of customes that characterize each one of us. Is also a type of language that allow you identify a Chilean in any part of the world.

We should be proud of live in a freedom country without great problems, for example terrorism or wars, with a established democracy and too is great be a country solidary, that is faithfully demonstrated each year in Teletón, a pattern to follow for others countries.
But also we have things to feel ashamed, meanly our huge resource gap between families of different social class and the great problem of delinquency. And isn´t good the progressive missing of our language or the lack of proud about our native people.

In brief, everybody have to look after our customs, our essence. And is important build a country more equal, where we and the future can live calmly.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The new public transport has bad and good aspects. For me the most important disadvantage is the frequency of buses, especially in some periphery places, that was worse in the begging of the Transantiago, you could see everybody claimed and furious. Another problem is the lack of really useful routes, sometimes you can see empty buses and the routes more used and needed go with a lot of passengers.

However, this new system has very good things, like the payment´s system: tarjeta Bip, the integrate rate -that allow a combination of buses and subway, in order to be shorter your route-, the established stop of buses, the more friendly relationship between the drivers and the students, furthermore the important decrease of the levels of acoustic and environmental pollution.

Too there are many points that can be improved, for example: should implement every stop of buses with roof, this is important especially when is raining or avoid the considerable pay´s evasion, that report so much loss. But also the users, maybe the minority, have to learn to respect and care our public transport, since pay the rate until keep the buses clean.

I really think everything is improvable, only is necessary the correct and good decisions of authorities and obviously the support of users!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I really would like to visit England. I think a lot of things about that country: his architecture is classic and famous, in London, I can visit The Big Ben or The Buckingham Palace. Also I would like to go to Stonehenge, a megalithic monument, or The British Museum too would be a great alternative! The transport wouldn´t be a problem, the famous bus and his system of trains is a good alternative to move across the country. I can image all the pictures I would take!! And If I have some luck I can meet any famous actor, Mister Bean and his mini isn´t bad…
If I have some time yet, I would like to visit Strattford, a village where is the Shakespeare´ museum. Probably, If I was there, I would go to many other places, because England is a beautiful and unforgettable country.

Certainly England is not only a country to visit, there are a lot of prestigious Universities where I can do my postgraduate studies. Maybe is only a dream… but it can be possible if I work for that and obviously if I improve my English´s level… and that course can help me to get the skills!