Thursday, August 27, 2009

Good and Bad Points:

Firstly I would like to explane that I have never had a blog and I only hope that this experience help me to learn more English... because in this moment is very important for me and my future ;)
Now I´m going to talk about the first term of this year: the balance was really good, because I approved all my subjects… finally the effort get the retribution!
For me Patology was the obligatory course more interesting and about the electives, first I wanted to take Toelf, but this was closed because had few entered :( happily Now I am in Pilot Level!! Finally I had two electives: Basic Control of Productives Species, that was so entertaining because its classes was in Mundo Granja and each week we learn about a different specie: cows, horses, dogs and cats, etc.
The other elective was: Human Ecology, where the topics of the human´s problems at the present time had the opportunity to be approached. I think that have courses where you can learn different things and not related with your career is useful to open your mind to another realities.
If I analyze seriously the first term, I have any challenges for this period: be more organized with my courses, study at time for the evaluations and maybe this can give me more time for extra activities, that always is a little!


  1. Firstly I would like to SP explane that I have never had a blog and I only hope that this experience ^ help me to learn more English... because in this moment is very important for me and my future ;)
    Now I´m going to talk about the first term of this year: the balance was really good, because I PASSED approved all my subjects… finally the effort get the retribution!
    For me SP Patology was the obligatory course more interesting and about the electives, first I wanted to take Toelf, but this was closed because had few entered :( happily Now I am in Pilot Level!! Finally I had two electives: Basic Control of Productives Species, that was so entertaining because its classes was in Mundo Granja and each week we VT learn about a different WF specie: cows, horses, dogs and cats, etc.
    The other elective was: Human Ecology, where the topics of the human´s problems at the present time had the opportunity to be approached. I think that have courses where you can learn different things and not related with your career is useful to open your mind to another realities.
    If I analyze seriously the first term, I have any challenges for this period: be more organized with my courses, study at time for the evaluations and maybe this can give me more time for extra activities, that always is a little!

    good you have a nice semster... i totally agree with the idea that if learn other subjects too, you'll be a more complete professional.
    anyway, try to have a look a the connectors in my blog, since you might need to change from one idea to the other.

    p.s. you got a 6

  2. The correction:

    Firstly I would like to explain that I have never had a blog and I only hope that this experience ^ help me to learn more English... because in this moment is very important for me and my future ;)
    Now I´m going to talk about the first term of this year: the balance was really good, because I passed all my subjects… finally the effort get the retribution!
    For me Pathology was the obligatory course more interesting and about the electives, first I wanted to take Toelf, but this was closed because had few entered :( happily Now I am in Pilot Level!! Finally I had two electives: Basic Control of Productive Species, that was so entertaining because its classes was in Mundo Granja and each week we learnt about a different species: cows, horses, dogs and cats, etc.
    The other elective was: Human Ecology, where the topics of the human´s problems at the present time had the opportunity to be approached. I think that have courses where you can learn different things and not related with your career is useful to open your mind to another realities.
    If I analyze seriously the first term, I have any challenges for this period: be more organized with my courses, study at time for the evaluations and maybe this can give me more time for extra activities, that always is a little!
